Since we weren't able to be home and the kids already opened all of their gifts from us, they only had their stockings, gifts from Santa and gifts from Nana and Papa to open. We hoped they wouldn't be too sad compared to everyone else's pile of gifts:)
We had Blake being the "Bouncer" and making sure all the kids stayed put until ALL the parents were down and ready for them! They were so cute all coming down!
Madison and Seattle had fun opening their gifts...but quickly jammed to check out everyone else's gifts! Brooklyn and Boston I think were pretty stoked. Santa brought Brooklyn a Zune and Boston the Lego Star Wars saga complete with some "light sabers"...they both ran to go play with their own toys. I wish I had a picture of how excited Boston AND Cooper (Sarah's oldest) were about their Wii gifts! SO cute:)
Of course Berlin loved her gift from Nana...but again was really loving the wrapping paper! Seattle was EXTRA excited about her stocking...she just kept repeating, "Nandy mommy, Nandy"
She would even find other people's "Nandy" and persuade them to share with her:)
Drake loved Seattle's present...btw, while his presents were probably being used by every other child under the age of 3! Poor guy!
All in all, I think it was a pretty great christmas...especially with 12 kids opening gifts all at THE SAME TIME!
2 days ago
It was so fun seeing you and your cute family the other day---- and the missing Madison for pictures episode was way too cute.
Happy New Year
COME BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!! These are making us miss all the ugh-ughs WAY TOO MUCH!!!! We miss you guys.
First of all, I LOVE your stockings! Those are so sweet! and I never really noticed how much Seattle looks like Phil til I saw these Christmas pictures. Her hair is adorable too :)
The missing Madison for pictures is just too classic for words! We are THAT family now:)
I know mom's house must feel soo empty now!
Seattle looks soo much like Phil it isn't funny! Her hair is completely crazy too! Hopefully she'll grow some hair soon:)
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