We actually weren't "jumped" by the kids until 7am this morning! We couldn't believe it! I woke up around 6:30, and heard the t.v. on in the loft...but was afraid to move for fear they would hear me! I scored an extra 30 minutes of sleep before Boston threw open our bedroom door saying "Santa already came and he got me a cool telescope!"
Phil and I were totally surprised! We even put up a gate so they wouldn't go downstairs! Boston said he "forgot" about why that was there. Sure. We were born yesterday. At our house Santa gives one gift and it's always left unwrapped in front of your gift pile. After talking to the girls...we found that he was the only one brave enough to sneak down and take a peek! Ha!

Phil and I snuck down first and made sure to take pictures of their piles...before the madness began. The kids naturally started creeping down after us and then Boston yelled, wow Seattle got a cool toy too! Phil and I were both confused. Apparently, he only had eyes for his own gifts and didn't pay attention to anything Santa brought for anyone else when he came down earlier! (When I was young, Tyler, Sarah, and I would take turns waking up the earliest every year and jam downstairs before my mom and dad woke up so we could see what Santa brought for everyone and then report back. It was a TEAM effort.) Boston was all about the ME! Phil and I were cracking up! If you knew Boston...this would be what you'd expect!!

My grandma started a tradition of making us stockings that looked like us, so we would always know which gifts were ours! My mom has kept up the tradition...except Madison and Seattle are still waiting for theirs. (No rush mom:) We let Madison use mine this year.

I decided to try themes this year...it made shopping for each one easier! Madison's theme was Fancy Nancy.

Boston's theme was everything "space" related...hence the telescope!

Brooklyn is really into history and traveling, so her theme was all travel related.

Paris was basically anything "barbie" related.

She loved the phone that her uncle "B" got her!

Anything she could layer on...she did!

This was Seattle's gift from Nana...her and Madison both love it! The best is when they turn it to Spanish mode! They both don't even seem to notice!

Christmas was a success! Phil and I enjoyed our gifts from family too! Thanks a bunch!