October 9, 2009

Getting Ready...Still!

Okay so we have this HUGE cauldron, so what does Phil decide to do like 2 weeks ago? Oh I don't know....maybe fill it to the brim with CANDY!
I am PROUD to say...that I haven't had 1 freakin piece! Thank you very much! This thing is like halfway gone! And I don't even think I can blame the kids! It's all PHIL! (I think he get's to eat it...and I seem to gain it! What teamwork!)
Here's my awesome "web designs"! I have way too much fun when it comes to decorating...especially when I get to be REALLY creative! My kids get soooo excited!

I just REALLY love my BOO sign...it's all sparkly...yet still so DARK:)
I threw a spider in the top web so that Haven and Madison wouldn't touch the webs...I might have let it slip that the spider would come down and bite them if they touched the webs too...This is my "craft" room...and right now it feels like an autopsy room while it houses all my decorations that are loosely being stored here until they can be revived in a few weeks!
Meet Greta. She used to be my moms...we would see her come out of the attic every year around this time...She's lasted through 12 kids! Us as kids and now mine! This witch is pretty impressive! Ha Ha! I had to!
I painted these "creeps" out of lightbulbs after seeing them in a magazine a few years ago...I was so impressed with myself!
Okay...as soon as I saw this thing I had to get it!!!!! It's a motto we like to live by:)

Everyday something new seems like it's "creeping" into my house or my shopping bags for Halloween! I swear they just come out with better and better decorations...EVERY YEAR!