The past five months have just flown by! This week she has really started to perfect her sitting up alone skills. She still starts to lean to the left or right and then over- corrects and usually falls after about a minute or two, but she's getting pretty good. We just make sure to have lots of helping hands and pillows close at all times! She's also getting better at eating solids! She ate most of the stage 1 jar of pears I fed to her (thanks Shavonne for the recommendation), which is a huge improvement from the first couple of times I tried to feed her! Phil and I decided to go shopping while the kids were at Basketball Practice and got her a couple of new outfits so she can model her new 5 month old looks! Phil hates BW pictures and he hated the flower...he said it would be like taking a picture of him with a Basketball on his we let her eat the flower so you can see her face without the flower...just for him!! I hope he sees this and loves his flowerless pictures. (Personally, I love the flower! Thanks Shavonne!)

2 days ago
SEATTLE'S SOOOO PUH-RICKIN' BEAUTI-PULL! And as for the Pears and cute headbands... they're Haven's favorites. Awww... they already have so much in common! :)
I L-O-V-E that headband!! So cute!
Lol. The first thing that popped into my head when I saw her flower headband was Phil. I can just hear him now! She is such a doll! I think she looks adorable with that headband!
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